This is part of a series about developing your skills as a software developer. We use different tools on a daily basis and one of the most frequently used is Git. Usually we just care about its version handling capabilities, however there is so much more value that we could get from the tool by just being a bit more mindful of how we use it.
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This is the first part in a series about developing your skills as a software developer. To learn efficiently, you first need to learn how to learn, which is easy to overlook. Because of this I want to share the routines, habits and strategies that have helped me with my personal development.
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I believe that in order to perform at your best, it is necessary to have well established daily routines. The following is my ideal daily routine and something that I am always aiming for, although I do admit that committing to a routine requires hard work and discipline.
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This is not my first attempt at blogging and I think my previous efforts died out because of a lack of purpose and value. After a time of pondering I have found my mission and this will be my way of sharing the journey with you.
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